目前分類:Taiwan Tour (11)

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Neiwan (內灣) is in South-Eastern Hsinchu county's Hengshan township (橫山鄉) and next to Jianshi (尖石鄉) the beautiful Atayal (泰雅) area known for its mountains and rivers.



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Since Taiwan is an island, there are many nice beaches. Taiwan's beaches are increasingly gaining the recognition they deserve.


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The Hsinchu harbor (新竹漁港) was originally built in the 1980s for the conveniences of fishing.

However, due to the decreasing amount of fish load over the years, the old harbor was replaced by the new harbor buildings which are more tourism-focused.


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Hakkaness culture (客家文化) has had a resurgence in recent years and a lot of effort has been made to preserve the language and educate people about one of Taiwan's largest ethnic minorities.

There are many 'Hakka Villages' all over Taiwan, but Beipu(北埔) is known as one of the most important and most successful in preserving the heritage of the Hakka people.

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Lion's Head Mountain (獅頭山 Shitoushan) is one of the most underrated attractions in Taiwan.

Lion's Head Mountain is defined by its beautiful, dense forests and rugged rock faces. 


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Different from Taipei zoo, Green World Ecological Farm gives you a new experience to interact with wildlife. 

Green World Ecological Farm is located in Beipu, Hsinchu. It is a large-scale farm combining the natural ecology of animals and plants with leisure and recreation.


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In winter, soaking in a hot spring is the greatest indulgence. It's the ultimate way to release your stress. 


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Mawudu Forest is a well-known sightseeing spot because of the Taiwanese TV show - Green Forest My Home (綠光森林). 



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if you enjoy the bathe in natural, the massage by the raging waterfall and the embrace of the exuberant greens, rivier tracing is the best outdoor option to live your dream. 



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If you're a fan of Teddy Bear, you can't miss the One Bear Museum in Guanxi (關西)

The museum by far collects over 3,000 bears with difference size and style. It's the biggest Teddy Bear museum in Asia. 

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Sinfong Mangrove (新豐紅樹林) is the wetland close to Hsinchu county. 
With its dense mangrove and green tunnels, people can visit here in any seasons even in the hottest day of summer.  


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